Wednesday, August 29, 2007

LinkedIn Needs to Reinvent Itself

Since my post yesterday I found more discussion about LinkedIn. New York Times' David Pogue has a post questioning the point of LinkedIn.

This blog says LinkedIn has no value unless you are a professional recruiter or someone looking for a job.

I agree. LinkedIn is a great tool for recruiters and I think it's great if as a user I am trying to find a job or at least get more information on people who would be potentially interviewing me for a job. The problem is most people change jobs once every two years or even later. So that practically makes their LinkedIn profile dormant till then.

Considering how LinkedIn is becoming more of a recruiting tool than a business networking tool, maybe LinkedIn should consider going down that road. The company could integrate better with job sites. Maybe it could buy Simply Hired, a jobs aggregation site that I think is fantastic.

Maybe could consider acquiring LinkedIn. I think it would be a great fit for though as a LinkedIn in user I would probably hate it. I have been burned by too many spam-like recruitment mails from

Yahoo Hot Jobs could be another potential acquirer. LinkedIn could help Yahoo! get a targeted social networking site to compete with Facebook while, LinkedIn could gain from the integration with jobs.

Either way, LinkedIn's best bet going forward is to reinvent itself with a stronger sense of purpose. A business networking tool is just too broad to cut it anymore.

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